25 Feb 2021, 09:39
Rule & Agreement ENGAGEMENT/ PARTICIPATION IS EXPECTED AND REQUIRED. 1. We do not encourage peer-to-peer trading in this group, since members do not know each other and we cannot authorize real identity of members who claimed to be exchanger for the crypto trading. (Please be aware of potential fraud.) 2. Be Friendly - Treat every single person with respect. If they are breaking the rules, bring them to the attention of the @admin. We strive for a community unlike any other crypto community. There is no reason to harass or ridicule anyone based on an opinion. 3. There is a zero tolerance rule on spam/scam and REFERRAL links. If you do post them, you will be BANNED with no notification prior. 4. Positive vibes - There are different levels of understanding cryptocurrency, trading, and DeFi concept. We encourage everyone to help educate one another. An educated market is a healthy market. Not everyone knows how or where to start. 5. No fundraising - If there are questionable offers of a product promotion, platform, or service being SPAMMED on the chat box, the author will be banned from Telegram community and deleted from our group by the attention of @admin. 6. Do not post asking a generic question such as, "which coin should I buy", “what price will this coin be”, “what are your thoughts on coin X”, or any variation of these without offering your perspective or thoughts.